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Men's Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast has become an important activity within the church.  How or why it began is one of those mysteries, but it has become an unmissable date for many of the men of this church family. Here is a non-threatening, informal time of fellowship where men can invite virtually anybody they choose (male, of course!) to come and enjoy each other’s company over a meal.

The rostered cooks have the responsibility of organising a short devotional segment, or perhaps a guest speaker. There is no charge, but provision is made for a donation (the usual seems to be about $5) which is forwarded at the end of the year to Shiloh Church Ministries for support of pastors – it usually arrives in time for a special Christmas gift for the pastors. The current format seems to have just evolved and appears to be working well.

Breakfasts are at 7 am on the first Saturday of each month, except January, due to holiday time and March, where it is a week later to avoid clashing with the Chappy Challenge. They are usually at the Church Hall, except for February. It has become tradition that we launch the year in February at the Beutel’s place, which usually is the best roll-up of the year and features a guest speaker to set the year rolling. The breakfasts are a great time of fellowship – come and bring a friend.

For more information contact Martin at martinf@boonahcofc.org.au.

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