Shi-Loh Church Ministries

SHI-LOH Church Ministries in Andhra Pradesh India supports 3 orphanages with 280 children, 160 village pastors in rural and tribal areas with many very small Christian congregations where persecution can be a problem.

Their aim is to present the Good News of Jesus Christ in their community as well as provide support both practically and financially to those most in need. Bore wells are provided in tribal areas for fresh drinking water, rickshaws for unemployed family men, tri-rickshaws for the disabled, sewing machines for widows and unemployed young women as well as medical assistance to those who cannot afford medical treatment.

See the website for more details - and on Facebook ShiLohJalluruIndia

Anyone interested in more information and application forms for child sponsorship and donations for SHI-LOH Church Ministries can contact Mission Co-ordinator at

Boonah Church of Christ on Facebook
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